ESM Sustainability

As a professional ship manager ESM has all along been committed to our society and planet at large by creating enduring value for our clients, partners, employees, communities, and more.

Our various initiatives and measures on sustainability has continually evolved over the years ahead of industry trends and regulations. Over the years since 2010, ESM strategy has been successfully executed through the implementation of the renowned Balanced Scorecard (BSC) methodology –balancing our financial growth with that of the sustainability growth of the industry and the planet. The success of implementing the BSC led to ESM’s induction into the illustrious Hall of Fame of the Palladium Group—a rare and impressive feat for a ship management company.

Environment: Since decades back, we have been aiming to minimise the strain on our environment and oceans. Seeds for the environmental protection was sown in many ways i.e., through the policies made and measures undertaken on board and ashore, use of advanced technology to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and continuously monitoring the impact on marine life, besides the initiatives undertaken to appropriately train the workforce, awareness created for the long-term value addition and so on. Phoenix, a digital tool developed in-house, drives this commitment by efficiently harnessing digitalisation and working behind the digital transformation of the organisation.

Social: The strength of the organisation lies in our workforce both at sea and ashore. We are committed to creating a safe and meritorious work culture where all employees can thrive and reach their fullest potential regardless of race, gender, caste, and class. ESM is proud of its active workforce fully participating in achieving the ESG goals of the organisation.

Governance: To uphold honest and fair practices within the organisation has been our maxim since day one. To facilitate this, Phoenix has always openly shared all operational information with our stakeholders, allowing all to be part of the business and vision.

Read our latest report to find out more about the company initiatives: